Design With The User In Mind

The Customers Are Always Right!

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We have all heard the cliche, “The customer is always right,” and every business owner knows that this can be misleading. When many customers have the same bad experience, however, it spells trouble. Whether it is a mobile app or dry cleaning, if the experience is not designed for the user, the user will not come back.

This sounds simple enough, but there are often many cooks in the design kitchen competing with the user:

  • Employees: “I don’t like change. This needs to fit our current operations!”
  • Management: “I’ve got too much on my mind. This needs to be easy for me!”
  • Developers: “Our system is built on outdated software. This needs to work well with that!”
  • Designers: “More cowbell(s and whistles)!”

  • But often, the opinion that is neglected is that of the customers:

    “Wait. Am I going to want to use this?”

    This is where User Experience (UX) Design can help.

    What is UX Design?

    UX Design addresses each aspect and stage of the user’s experience of a product with the goal of enhancing user satisfaction by improving its usability, accessibility, and pleasurability. Placing yourself in the shoes of a user can be the difference between a failed product and a great one.

    Here are 5 questions that you should ask while you design a new product:

      1. Discoverability — Can users discover how to accomplish their tasks the first time they look at a product?
      2. Learnability — Can users easily learn how to interact with and predict how to move from one part of the product to another? On repeat visits, can they remember how to engage with the product to accomplish their goals?
      3. Efficiency — Once users have become repeat users, can they accomplish repetitive tasks quickly and easily?
      4. System Performance — How nimble is the product when the customer is using it?
      5. Delight — Does the product delight users? If you can instill an emotional connection to a product in users, they will champion your product and share its virtues.

    Finding a balance:

    Of course, UX design does not mean taking into account every suggestion a customer might have. But truly focusing on improving every aspect of the customer’s experience can mean the difference between a one-time user and a lifetime promoter of your brand. And we can all agree that on that point, at least, the customer is always right.

    Your results:

    Happy (a.k.a. repeat) users!